Analysis of the livability of urban neighborhoods for sustainable development in the 22nd district of Tehran municipality.

Document Type : Original Article


1 shahid.beh

2 dep

3 nhm


livability is a subset of sustainable development that has recently entered the urbanization literature and includes a diverse range of topics and is expressed in a series of guidelines. In this regard, access, equity and participation are based on the concepts of habitat. The purpose of this study was to investigate the indices of habitability in 22 areas of Tehran municipality. This research is of the type of analytical-applied research and it is a type of qualitative research. The statistical population of this study is the neighborhoods of the 22nd District of Tehran, whose population according to the census of Iran in 2011, 128, 958 people (38, 106 households) including 65, 476 men and 63, 482 women. The random sampling method and To estimate the sample size, the Cochran formula is 384 samples. The analysis tools are tested through a single-sample t test in the Spss software and the Topsis model. The results show that, in terms of inhabitants, except for environmental indicators in other dimensions of the region, twenty two conditions are less than average. Also, among the neighborhoods of the region, twenty two ghetto martyrs in the most favorable situation and neighborhood of the air in the most unfavorable situation contract


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