Urban viability Requirements and guidelines

Document Type : Original Article


Kuhdasht Municipality


Sustainability is a set of factors that contribute to the quality of social life, including a natural and built environment, economic prosperity, social stability and justice, educational opportunity and leisure opportunities, as well as sustainability as a guiding principle for planning and urban planning policy. Used. As a tangible concept, sustainability is a general form of urban infrastructure investment as well as competition between cities to attract people, investment communities and mobile human capital. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the basic concepts of urban sustainability by using descriptive and documentary sources.
Sustainability is a set of factors that contribute to the quality of social life, including a natural and built environment, economic prosperity, social stability and justice, educational opportunity and leisure opportunities, as well as sustainability as a guiding principle for planning and urban planning policy. Used. As a tangible concept, sustainability is a general form of urban infrastructure investment as well as competition between cities to attract people, investment communities and mobile human capital. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the basic concepts of urban sustainability by using descriptive and documentary sources.


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