The Role of Mine in the Adaptation and Sustainability of Human Settlements (Case Study: Settlements of Kurdistan Province)

Document Type : Original Article



Today, a dynamic economy that can provide jobs for residents of a particular area can help sustain and attract a thriving population. In this regard, the impact of mining on the survival and attraction of the population of adjacent mines in Kurdistan province was investigated. Mines were first mapped for this purpose and identified influenced settlements of mines using the buffer of 2000 m from the mines and the Euclidean distance of the mining. There were 14 villages in the 2000-meter mine and 119 in the Euclidean distance section that their demographic changes from 1996 to 2016 were studied. The results showed that both in the buffer method and in the Euclidean distance method, despite the negative growth rate of the rural areas during this period (1976-1976), the village in the mine areas had positive growth until 2011 and a very negative growth in 2016. Therefore, according to the results of this paper, mines play an important role in attracting and maintaining human settlements.


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play an important role in attracting and maintaining human settlements.
Keywords: human settlements, population absorption, mine, GIS