Psychology of the Character of Political leaders and its Impact on the Geopolitics of Countries (Case Study: Hitler and Gandhi)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D of Political Geography, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 (Ph.D. student of Political Geography of Tehran University of Tehran)

3 (Ph.D. student of Political Geography, Kharazmi University of Tehran)


The psychology of political leaders is one of the branches of political psychology. Therefore, studying in this area and recognizing the personality of policy makers is important. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the character of political leaders and their geopolitical goals in the political future of the world. The present study is a "theoretical foundation" research. Also, in accordance with the qualitative strategy, descriptive-analytical research method has been used to conduct the research. the Indicate that Gandhi, the political leader of India, has a director who has a character and has a geopolitical impact on the rest of the world. These influences include Indian independence in Britain, the American black civil rights movement and the South African anti-colonial movement, which, until the contemporary period, remains the same for the world. While Hitler has a combination of two characters, he has been thrown into an agitated and reformist dilemma, and based on this, Hitler believes in the vital space of Ratzel, which, in the belief, has also led to geopolitical changes, such as the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the anti-communist treaty. Understanding the psychological characteristics of the personality of political leaders of countries has a great service in predicting (political foresight) their present and future behavior and will probably prevent unfortunate events at the national and global levels. Accordingly, the link between political psychology and its important branch of personality psychology can be of great help to geopolitical knowledge in predicting the future of the world on a very large scale.


Main Subjects

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