Commercialization of Agriculture in Contrast with Sustainable Development

Document Type : Original Article


agricultural university


By investigating the development trends of countries indicates that the development of the agricultural sector as one of the most important economic sectors or even beyond, is a vital prerequisite for the sustainable development of each country. Changes in agriculture and its shift from subsistence agriculture to conventional agriculture and then industrialization and now moving towards commercial agriculture, the question remained whether in the process of commercialization of agriculture it will achieve the objectives of sustainable development? This article reviews the documents and discusses the importance of the agricultural sector, commercialization, its relationship with food security, and emphasizes the need to pay attention to smallholder farmers in this process.
By investigating the development trends of countries indicates that the development of the agricultural sector as one of the most important economic sectors or even beyond, is a vital prerequisite for the sustainable development of each country. Changes in agriculture and its shift from subsistence agriculture to conventional agriculture and then industrialization and now moving towards commercial agriculture, the question remained whether in the process of commercialization of agriculture it will achieve the objectives of sustainable development? This article reviews the documents and discusses the importance of the agricultural sector, commercialization, its relationship with food security, and emphasizes the need to pay attention to smallholder farmers in this process.


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