Investigation of Social Dimensions and Consequences Affecting Tourism Development in Khorramabad-Poldokhtar Tourism

Document Type : Original Article



2 Lorestan University


Investigation of Social Dimensions and Consequences Affecting Tourism Development in Khorramabad-Poldokhtar Tourism

The nature of sustainable tourism requires natural, cultural and human environments. Tourism should take into account the cultural, cultural and traditional aspects of local communities. Overall, these efforts show that tourism can form a viable solution in the process of sustainable development. The present study aimed to analyze the social dimensions and consequences affecting tourism development in Khorramabad-Poldokhtar axis through a descriptive and documentary-based descriptive method (researcher-made questionnaire). Tourism development studied The results of the above calculations are as follows: Increasing the sense of place, increasing the length of stay of tourists, the tendency to reside and stay, increasing social cohesion and cultural changes in life, respectively, are among the most important social outcomes affecting development. Tourism in the area are the case.

The nature of sustainable tourism requires natural, cultural and human environments. Tourism should take into account the cultural, cultural and traditional aspects of local communities. Overall, these efforts show that tourism can form a viable solution in the process of sustainable development. The present study aimed to analyze the social dimensions and consequences affecting tourism development in Khorramabad-Poldokhtar axis through a descriptive and documentary-based descriptive method (researcher-made questionnaire). Tourism development studied The results of the above calculations are as follows: Increasing the sense of place, increasing the length of stay of tourists, the tendency to reside and stay, increasing social cohesion and cultural changes in life, respectively, are among the most important social outcomes affecting development. Tourism in the area are the case.


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