Analysis of the Impacts of Conservation of Native Culture in North Khorasan Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd Student in Tourism Management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Management ,Payame Noor University ,P.O.Box 19395-3697 , Tehran ,Iran.

3 Phd in Islamic history of Iran

4 Department of Chemistry,Payame Noor University ,P.O.Box 19395-3697 , Tehran ,Iran.


Culture and the arts are among the most important issues in the age of communication or globalization, and vary from views of the threat of globalization to national, indigenous and local cultures, and the hegemony of particular cultures in the world to the extent that various cultures can play an active role. But what can keep national and indigenous cultures alive in the age of globalization is neither submission to other cultures nor resistance to blocking the entry of other cultures' effects and effects. Culture has tremendous power and motivates us to look for signs of the history and culture of nations, and this is the main motivating factor of the ambassador. If culture is embedded in all human heritage, ideas, behaviors, and experiences, when it comes to cross-border, linguistic, cultural, and political differences, this in turn increases cultural attractions for tourists. And it is these differences and cultural interactions that have made tourism more attractive and attracting tourists. North Khorasan can be called "treasure of Iranian cultures and ethnicities". The existence of various ethnicities, including Fars, Turks, Turkmen, Kurds and Baluch minorities, even Arabs, Turks and Turks with all their distinctive cultural characteristics, is the reason why this nickname is suitable for North Khorasan. The Turkmens, Kurds, Baluchs, Lor and Arabs each have their own cultural characteristics, crafts, traditional costumes and music, and this has made North Khorasan a beautiful treasure trove of cultures and cultural attractions. And the present study seeks to identify the culture and potentials of North Khorasan Province and will provide solutions to preserve the authenticity and culture of North Khorasan Province including: customs, local games, local proverbs and local lullabies.


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