Future study of nature tourism based on nature in Lorestan province

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Geography and Urban Planning and University Jihad Researcher / Lorestan Branch / Khorramabad / Iran /

2 104 / 5000 Translation results PhD student in Environmental Management, Shahid Beheshti University / Faculty of Earth Sciences / Department of Human Geography / Tehran / Iran /

3 Assistant Professor Damghan University / Faculty of Earth Sciences / Department of Geomorphology / Damghan / Iran


Future study of nature tourism based on nature in Lorestan province
The present study has been compiled with the aim of future analysis of the situation of nature-based sports tourism in Lorestan province. On the current and future situation of sports tourism in Lorestan province were extracted, after determining the degree of effectiveness and impact of each factor or in other words determining the degree of influence and dependence of each of the factors affecting sports tourism, each of the above factors using software Mick Mag tools were classified into clusters (managerial, physical and socio-economic), three scenarios for the future of sports tourism in Lorestan province under the following headings: Lorestan first scenario, nature-oriented sports tourism hub in the west of the country (optimistic), second scenario: intermediate Lorestan was presented in the path of development of nature-based sports tourism and Lorestan was left out of the development of nature-based (pessimistic) sports tourism. The most probable scenario for the future of sports tourism in Lorestan province is Lorestan scenario in the development of nature-based sports tourism.
Keywords: Sports Tourism, Nature Oriented, Futurology, Lorestan.


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