Assessing the tourism capacities and capabilities of Delvar port

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Urban Planning, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Urban Planning, Ahvaz, Iran


Industrial tourism, the development of which requires sufficient knowledge and understanding of economic, social and cultural issues and factors. Without being aware of the facilities available in each region, there will be no possibility of scientific and principled planning and forecasting. , Develop and identify its direction. This research has been done with the aim of evaluating the capacities and capabilities of tourism in Delvar port and has a descriptive-analytical realization method. The sample size among which the questionnaire was distributed is 50 people. T-test was used for analysis. Findings showed that the development of tourism in the city of Delvar from the economic point of view according to the results of completing the questionnaire, which averaged 3.69, indicates a very high impact of this index. Based on this, it can be acknowledged that in order to reduce the obstacles to sustainable tourism development and the role of development process on sustainable development of the city, attention was paid. The results indicate that by identifying tourism capabilities in different parts of the country, including urban coastal areas, useful measures and programs to make optimal use of these potentials, as well as the development and expansion of positive tourism effects with the help of city managers in these areas.


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