Organizing and rehabilitating worn-out tissue with emphasis on development-stimulating projects With the approach of improving the quality of life (Case study: Baghestan city)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj Science and Research Branch, Iran

2 Department of Accounting, Maziar Institute of Higher Education, Iran


The main purpose of this study is to organize and rehabilitate worn-out tissue with emphasis on development stimulating projects with the approach of improving the quality of life in Baghistan. The research method in this research is "descriptive-analytical" and the method of collection is a survey to collect the required information and data, from documentary studies and field studies such as interviews, observation, used, data analysis with Descriptive and analytical statistical techniques will be used. The results show that the rapid increase and population growth, along with the expansion of urbanization and urbanization of the world, has created many problems in different countries, especially third world countries. Cities face increasing social anomalies, declining identity and sense of social belonging, housing shortages and the spread of slums and informal settlements, declining urban safety and security, expanding social and environmental ecological problems, and overall declining quality of life, and quality components. Economic environment, quality of functional environment, improvement and renovation of worn-out tissue, quality of transportation and social quality are among the necessities of improving the quality of life in this city.


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