The role of local participation in crisis management with emphasis on Arasbaran forest fires (Case study: Kleiber villages)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tabriz Faculty of Environmental Science and Planning, Tabriz, Iran

2 Secretary of Education of Kangan Secondary School


Forest fires and their spread are one of the natural phenomena on the planet. In a way, the phenomenon of fire in the forests and pastures of Iran is no exception to this rule. Fire as a ecological factor can be devastating and at the same time with the right program, it can be a good solution in ecosystem management. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of local people in crisis management with emphasis on recent forest fires in Arasbaran. The present research is descriptive and the method used to collect information is library and documentary. The results of this study show that the participation of local people in managing forest fire crises, even with basic and simple tools, has an important and significant role in extinguishing forest fires in Arasbaran. Examination of the results of fire risk model showed that 53.27% of the area has a high and very high potential for fire and the direction of the slope and its amount have the greatest impact on the occurrence and spread of the fire front. Also, the correlation of the final map of fire potential with communication lines is more than 0.68, which shows that the human factor has played a significant role in causing the fire.


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