Analysis and evaluation of worn texture and urban inefficiency for urban regeneration (Case study: Khorramabad city) using SWOT model

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Geography and Regional Planning, Islamic Azad University of Boroujerd, Iran


Today in many cities of the country due to population growth, uncontrolled migration and horizontal development of the city, lack of service to the old nuclei of the city and the concentration of economic and social activities has caused the old texture in terms of security, social and economic problems Face and wear out over time, a process that gradually renders the city inefficient from within. The part of the urban space that we know as dilapidated is mostly lacking in favorable living conditions in terms of housing and complementary services, and the move to improve and renovate it is in fact an attempt to restore the basic rights of citizens who are at risk. Experience social, economic and physical isolation from urban life. Residential structures, etc. are always the basis of fundamental decisions in urban planning and design. The texture and density associated with it establish a framework for all other elements and have broad effects. The body of Khorramabad city is a combination of different urban textures. The combination of these various textures is the result of the historical growth of the city. The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the worn-out texture and urban inefficiency for urban regeneration (Case study: Khorramabad city) using the swot model. This type of research is a descriptive-analytical research method in terms of application and method of nature. The required information and data were collected through library and field methods. In this research, the SWOT model has been used for the study area.


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