Investigating the environmental quality of Keshavarz Boulevard

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Urban Planning (M.s) Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran


especially cultural geography. Urban areas are the turning points of human societies and the center of the accumulation of people and material objects. Our view of urban spaces can be based on different patterns of people in creating diverse places and neighborhoods. The important thing about attractive public spaces for people is to make them feel desirable or comfortable. The inescapable fact is that people will judge the activities of architects, planners, etc. by the quality and especially the physical quantity of what they see or experience around them. Social relations and public interaction of people take place in public behavioral camps. They are attracted to a camp that has the ability and desire to adapt to the fixed patterns of movement that take place there. This study examines and analyzes the quality of the environment and the sense of place of the people in Keshavarz Boulevard. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population of this research is 50 people (residents, passers-by, tourists, etc.) who were present in Keshavarz Boulevard, Tehran. The theoretical framework of the research is based on documentary studies and the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using excel software and SWOT table. The results show that good urban spaces are measured by the concept of optimal quality. Therefore, in order to study the quality and measurement of urban spaces, criteria and characteristics have been proposed during the previous decades. The more cities can create more favorable public environments for city dwellers in order to have better social interactions, the more the city will enjoy a higher quality of urbanization and mental health of its inhabitants.


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