Assess the theoretical foundations and identify the existing challenges of leisure in rural projects

Document Type : Original Article


Geography and Rural Planning.Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran,Iran


One of the strategies of rural development is the need to pay attention to all categories of development. Cultural issues in rural areas are less considered by policymakers and planners in rural areas than economic and social issues, while rural areas are inextricably linked with communities. It has a rural area, on the other hand, creating relative prosperity in all areas has always been considered by planners, and today providing leisure time for rural communities is considered as an undeniable issue, accordingly and due to the need to pay attention to leisure. This study seeks to explain the theoretical foundations of leisure and the position of this sector in development projects. Are the physical organs of these areas? According to the views and theories that we have studied in relation to leisure, it can be said that leisure is a socio-cultural concept that causes balance and equilibrium in the social system. According to the geographical view of leisure time, leisure time is a function of two variables of time and place. On the other hand, evaluation of development plans shows insufficient attention to cultural attachments and provision of appropriate infrastructure for leisure time in the physical structure of the village.


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