Historical geography of Iranian ports and shores of the Persian Gulf based on Muslim geographical sources

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities. University of Lorestan. Khorram Abad. Iran

2 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. Ardabil. Iran


Historical geography sources are very important in examining the location and location of important and strategic areas. One of the most important areas that has had a special place among Muslim geographers for a long time is the northern shores and ports of the Persian Gulf, which were always considered part of Iran's territory. Muslim geographers, while mentioning the name of the Persian Sea, provide valuable information about the geographical location and limits, economic and social status of these regions. The present article aims to investigate and analyze the historical geography of Iranian ports and coasts of the Persian Gulf using Muslim geographical texts based on the descriptive-analytical method and using library data. The results of the investigations carried out in this study show that the geographical location of the Iranian coasts of the Persian Gulf has had a major impact on the social and economic life of these areas, and the different aspects of the lives of its people were influenced by geography and being located on the shores of the Persian Gulf. Also, being located on the shores of the Persian Gulf had caused economic prosperity and extensive cultural exchanges between Iranian coastal residents and the surrounding areas.


Main Subjects

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