Measuring and evaluating the economic resilience of urban neighborhoods against earthquake risk (case of study: Neighborhoods of the three region of Ardabil city)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor Department of Economics. Faculty of Social Sciences.University of Mohaghegh Ardabili.Ardabil.Iran.

2 PhD in geography and urban planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran



Humanity today with all the scientific advances, has not been very successful in controlling natural hazards. The concept of resilience brings the evolution of risk management in the current decade. Resilience is proposed as a way to strengthen societies by using their capacities. The main goal of this research is to measure and evaluate the economic resilience of the Neighborhoods of the three region of Ardabil city against the risk of earthquake. The research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and practical in terms of purpose. The method of collecting data and information in the form of a library and a questionnaire that includes three indicators of economic resilience, the severity (amount) of damages, the capacity or ability to compensate for damages and the ability to return to suitable conditions. MEREC method was used to determine the weight of the indicators and CoCoSo method was used to measure and evaluate the resilience of the neighborhoods. The calculation of three strategies (Ka), (Kb) and (Kc) shows; in all three mentioned strategies, neighborhood six has the highest score and neighborhood eight has the lowest score. The amount (K) and the ranking of the ten neighborhoods shows, neighborhood six with a score of 2.87, neighborhood two with a score of 2.80, neighborhood seven with a score of 2.65, neighborhood ten with a score of 2.60, neighborhood Four with a score of 2.46, neighborhood one with a score of 2.23, neighborhood nine with a score of 2/11, neighborhood three with a score of 1.92, neighborhood five with a score of 1.76 and finally neighborhood eight With a score of 1.15, they are ranked first to tenth respectively. Overall, the results show that there is a difference between ten neighborhoods in terms of economic resilience.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 07 March 2024
  • Receive Date: 12 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 09 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 06 November 2023