Investigating the valuable rural fabric according to the cultural and social indicators of the local community (case study: Zanouzagh village, Tabriz)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student, Department of Architecture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili , Ardabil, Iran.



. During many years, some government measures were taken by the country's institutions, which have been of great help in increasing the desire of the villagers to live in the village. unlike the actions taken, the proposed and implemented plan has not been successful. According to the studies, the argument is that the proposed program has underestimated the attention to regional social and cultural indicators, so that it has been differentiated from other a way that has distinguished it from other regions. For this purpose, investigations related to culture, interests and beliefs were carried out. The method of conducting this research is qualitative and field-in-depth interview, which was done by being in the target area and observing and interviewing people face to face. In the first stage, field studies were carried out and according to the sources and references, materials and The results show that the designs presented for the valuable rural textures have suffered problems due to the designers' lack of attention to the modern needs of the society and attention to the past and old needs of the villagers. After that, the local methods of construction have been highlighted and the emphasis of these plans is on the use of local architecture and local materials, which have not been paid much attention by the natives of the region. In Zanouzag, despite the implementation of the project to improve the rural fabric with value, this project failed, therefore, by examining the social and cultural indicators, we sought to increase the quality and satisfaction of the residents and local people, and provide more appropriate and practical strategies to maintain the social and cultural indicators. It was done to preserve the heritage of the past, preserve the native texture of the village and satisfy the residents of the native community.


Main Subjects

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