An Analysis of the Impact of Immigration on Social Damage (Case study: Alvand city in Qazvin province)

Document Type : Original Article




The rapid growth and disproportionate distribution of population in the present age is due to the increasing displacement and migration to urban areas. Industrial cities are considered as important destinations for immigrants due to employment opportunities. The concentration of people with different economic and cultural backgrounds, and the lack of preparedness for urban management and planning in responding to service needs on the other hand, is causing a psychological pressure on residents and the occurrence of crime and social harm. The present study, with the above-mentioned approach and descriptive-analytical, has examined and analyzed the factors that affect migration in geographical spaces, including villages and cities, from the economic, social and cultural dimensions
In this regard, growth has analyzed and analyzed the social damage in the study area from 1385-1390 in relation to population growth and population according to the census of 1385-1390. Variables vary according to the abundance in Alvand city and their importance in the category Social, have been selected. In the correlation test, a correlation test has been used for the analysis of the variables. Finally, the relationship between variables was evaluated using the spss software. There is a significant relationship between population and social damage, such as robbery, divorce, and drugs, and direct . Ie the increasing population in the urban immigration cases has increased
Which was confirmed by our hypothesis. In the end, according to findings in the city of Alvand, solutions and suggestions for improving the conditions were presented.


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