Spatial analysis of social vulnerability in peri-urban centers of Hesarak, Karaj

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran - Faculty of Geography - Human Geography Department

2 University of Tehran - Faculty of Geography - Department of Natural Geography

3 Kharazmi University - Faculty of Geography - Human Geography Department


The city of Karaj, as the capital of the province of Alborz and its adjacent to the capital, has special industrial and economic conditions, has a good climate and is capable of development, is highly migratory. These characteristics have led to the emergence of informal settlements in the city of Karaj. Regarding this, the main objective of the study is spatial social vulnerability analysis in the Karaj district (5th and 6th district of Karaj municipality) In general, there are seven theoretical approaches to social and social problems. These seven approaches are social-pathological, non-institutionalized social, value conflicts, bias, aging, critical approach, and constructivist approach. The research is in terms of the cognitive purpose and in terms of providing a practical approach. This research is based on the analytical-exploratory nature, in which quantitative-qualitative data is used. In terms of time, this is a cross-sectional one. The research data were collected through a questionnaire, 350 randomly-probabilistic questionnaires from the study area. Using spatial analysis of hot spot, morans I, IDW, high / low clustering, the exploratory analysis and changes were analyzed. Spatial patterns of vulnerability indicators have been addressedB. Maps of exploratory analysis show that the spatial distribution of the vulnerability index in the region follows a specific pattern and these patterns are not random. The obtained maps in the research section indicate how the hot and cold spots are distributed in each indicator and the clustering of patterns related to the same indicator in the region.


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