Study of spatial balance of rural districts of Saqez city with rank-size

Document Type : Original Article


1 Univeresity

2 Student of Tehran University of Science Research

3 Student of Payame Noor University


The first step in the assessment of rural spatial inequalities is the recognition, precision of the literature in this area and its consequence, the explanation and analysis of indicators of sustainable rural development. The main objective of this research is to evaluate and evaluate the human development indicators in the provinces of the city of Sangz, located in Kurdistan province. The basis of the components (place of purchase of people's needs, educational, cultural and educational, religious, political, electricity, gas and water, sanitary and therapeutic, restoring and services, telecommunications and communications), which is the method of doing this research is descriptive-analytical , Data collection using library resources, models used in this research The heart rate-size is to measure the spatial balance between distribution of services and population in the rural district of the city. The results show that there is a general equilibrium between distribution of services and population in the cities of Saqez City based on the rank-size model Research is 866. It can be said that in the cities of Saghez, there is a balance between population and services, the largest difference is in the Imam district.


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