Examining the Housing Status in Planning Theories: An Confrontation-comparative Approach

Document Type : Original Article




3 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran


Planning theories usually include a combination of sociological hypotheses about human and social behaviors as well as philosophical assumptions about nature, goals, and planning concepts. The city and, on a smaller scale, housing is the space in which human and social behavior are shaped. Urban Planning Theories are scientific concepts, definitions, behavioral relationships, and assumptions that define urban planning knowledge. Therefore, planning theories can be viewed from the point of urban planning view and subsequently housing planning. Therefore, in this research, various planning theories were selected and the relevant documents were compiled about them, also documents classified in same groups. using existing documents in this field and using content analysis method, we have analysed the statues of housing (planning) in the planning theories and, finally, we have compared attitudes with together and also identified the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of planning theories in the context of housing planning.


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