The study of the development status of rural districts of Dehgolan city with the size rating model in 90 and 95 years

Document Type : Original Article


1 Univeresity

2 Payam Noor university


The work standards and quantitative methods for classifying space system in the settlement of the areas leading to the recognition of the extent of the disparities and the points of the other criteria in order to reduce poverty and inequality in the quest of between them, this research to the examination and measurement of indicators Human development city drdhestan dehgolan, located in Kurdistan province, based on the indicators of educational, cultural and sport-political-administrative, electricity, gas, water-health-communication and telecommunication were paid, the present research analytical techniques descriptive data, – using library resources Done, the model used in this study is that the rank-size model of the measurement of the amount of space between the crowd and the service distribution tadl in this city is based on the hit and was paid 1390 1395The results of this research show that in the year 90/10 research. it can be said that the rural population and city services between dehgolan based on statistics and directed balance there are 1390 95 years the value of the number is obtained from the research of the 30/is can be said that In the rural district of the city population and services between dehgolan based on statistics more than 1390 there is little balance in this regard most disputes relating to Northern ئیلاق rural district in terms of population, which has a population of fits, but in terms of a lower ranking service and inappropriate in a situation so Requires that the weak points of this hustle more attention and reinforces the basic facilities in the municipalities, measures be taken to space distance between the municipalities are to be moderated


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