Assessment of Mental Health Promotion in Abandoned Urban Areas Focusing on the Formation of a Healthy City Case Study: Mashhad City

Document Type : Original Article


1 phd

2 amir


One of the pillars of health assessment of various communities is the mental health of that community. Undoubtedly mental health plays an important role in ensuring the dynamics and efficiency of each community. With the formation of urban abandoned spaces, there is actually a kind of inner-city decline, which coincides with the growth of the city's expansion in marginal areas, the lack of attention to this issue can increase the more dispersed urban prevalence and increase the urban development process Unstable, and endangers the mental health of the community in learning and social interactions, and affects the performance and efficiency of individuals. The present research is a qualitative research method and the research method is descriptive-analytic. Regarding the subject, data collection has been conducted in two documentary and survey methods, in which the theoretical foundations, survey indicators and census data were collected in documentary and libraries, and in order to examine the indicators in Mashhad metropolitan area, the required data are collected from field surveying techniques including field surveys, interviews with citizens. An evaluation of the HIA method has been used. The results of the research show that HIA policy needs to be explained that, although the impact assessment is often Health is done at the project level, with more general policies such as employment, trade, education and policies Design's strategic location can be used to assess the effects of mental health. The goal of health impact assessment policies on the other hand is to prevent social harm and increase opportunities for improving health.


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