Protecting of Environment Using Energy and Carbon Foot Prints Index

Document Type : Original Article


Science Department, Orgnization for Educational Research and Planning, Tehran, Iran.


Recently, study of the ecological foot prints and specifically including energy and carbon foort prints have been interested and a plenty of papers and books have been published in this matter over the world. Nevetheless, the ecological foot prints’ literature is not still common in Iranian scientific and public societies. These published papers and books have been mostl
focosed on the explanation of carbon and energy foot print concepts. More over, there are a lots of definitions on these concepts from different views and seems that there is a common and general understanding on the meaning of carbon and energy foot prints. Indeed, not only there is not a comprehensive agreement but also there are a lots of confusion on the exact meaning, deffintion and the way and unit of measurement of these foot prints. Despite of these different ideas, the emission of green house gases from consuming of fossile fules and human activities is the common point of view. Here we report a review article on ecological food prints for clarifying of the concept and getting a common understanding.


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